Solar Power Generation USA 2012

31 January - 02 February 2012. Organized by Green Power conferences
Renewable Energy: Photovoltaic Solar Energy
Location: United States Las Vagas
Date: 1/31/2012

Organizer: Green Power conferences
Tel: 0044 0 20 7099 0600
Fax: 0044 0 20 7099 0600

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Winner at the 2011 Conference Awards for Best American conference, Solar Power Generation USA has established its position as a leading event for those involved in utility scale solar power projects in the US.

With over 350 attendees, a sold out exhibition hall, a faculty of over 60 speakers, an unprecedented number of utility representatives plus keynote addresses from leaders of the renewable energy sector Senator Harry Reid & Steve Black, Solar Power Generation 2011 was a high level information gathering and networking event considered a must attend for those serious about the industry.

What’s new for 2012?

- Over 50% more networking time: The final day of the conference is dedicated to structured networking. As the popularity of the event grows, ensure that you connect face to face with key business contacts on the issues that matter most
- More focussed and in depth PV, CSP and CPV streams: Full day streams now enable a much more detailed look at how to optimise the design and development of different plants
- New operations and maintenance session: As more plants look set to come online, thanks to improved permitting processes and increasing utility engagement, prepare for how to ensure their longevity and future performance
- Even more utilities: The utility VIP pass scheme received fantastic feedback last year with an unprecedented number of US utilities in attendance. This year we have partnered with the EEI to extend this reach

Some testimonials from 2011 attendees:

“Excellent scheduled networking time... This is the one event where I could be sure to maximize my contact with a desirable client base.”
Jeff Krauss, Renewable Energy Contracting

“This conference had a series of healthy debates over important issues in the industry.”
Marc Ulrich, Southern California Edison

“It was a pleasure meeting you at SPG. It was a well organized and well attended show. I made a large number of new contacts and over all it was a show I am glad I came to.”
Laks M. Sampath, Trina Solar (U.S.), Inc

“The conference had a large number of key employees from regional utilities and developers that we were interested in meeting with.” Joshua McNeely, Solar Monkey

Renewable Energy: Photovoltaic Solar Energy

Gulf Oil and Gas
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