Kingdom SCADA Summit 2012

25-28 March 2012. Organized by IQPC Middle East
Instruments: SCADA Systems
Location: Saudi Arabia Sheraton Dammam Hotel and Towers
Date: 3/25/2012

Organizer: IQPC Middle East
Tel: 00971 4 3748265
Fax: 00971 4 363 1938

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The Kingdom SCADA Summit is taking place from 18 – 21 March 2012 at the Sheraton Dammam Hotel and Towers, Dammam, Saudi Arabia, presents a unique opportunity to network with industry peers and learn about SCADA best application and practices allowing you to strengthen the efficiency of your industry operations.

Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system plays a key role in improving an organisation’s business processes and ensures the most efficient use of capital and resources. In Saudi Arabia large-scale projects in power, water, wastewater, oil, gas, petrochemicals, railways and major manufacturing industries are taking place and the benefits of utilising and improving the SCADA system are evident.

Attend this summit and find out how to:

Adopt the right network to achieve reliable data transmission
Implement necessary security measures to protect your process control system
Deal with SCADA obsolescence and improve durability of equipment

Key speakers, include:

Abdullah H. Al-Khalifah, Engineering Specialist Process Control Division, Saudi Aramco
Ahmed Al Enizi, Information Security Governance Unit Manager, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Jim Baker, Principal SCADA Engineer, Water Corporation of Western Australia
Abdulhakeem Ahmed Abdulkareem Al-Senan, Maintenance Superintendent, Marafiq
Mohammed A. Alzahrani, SCADA and OCC Manager, National Water Company
Saad N. Al-Duwaish, Electrical Manager, Maaden Phosphate Company
Stanly Johnson, Senior Engineer-Control System & Instrumentation, Saudi Kayan, SABIC
Waleed S. AlRuhaili, Senior Consultant, Saudi Telecom Company
Wissam Hayek, Instrumentation and Control Manager, Arabian Bemco
Khalid Nadeem, Senior Engineering Manager – Automation, Almarai Company
Visit to view the programme and full speaker list.

As part of the conference, I am delighted to announce that there will be two full-day, highly interactive workshop sessions. The pre-conference workshop on the 18 March is dedicated to achieving interoperability and integration of your SCADA system, whilst the post-conference workshop on the 21 March is dedicated to managing the security risks of your SCADA system.

To find out more on how you can register yourself and your team, email us at or speak to one of my colleagues on +971 4 364 2975.

Instruments: SCADA Systems

Gulf Oil and Gas
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