Shutdown/Turnaround/Outage Best Parctices Middle East 2012

16-17 April 2012. Organized by Nexus Global
Engineering Services: Maintenance and Repair
Location: Qatar Doha
Date: 4/16/2012

Organizer: Nexus Global
Tel: 001 713 899 8708
Fax: 001 919 488 0067

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Shutdowns, turnarounds and outages (STOS) in the oil, gas and petrochemical industries are complex, expensive and time consuming events. Since STOs impact every aspect of your business, their mismanagement can easily hurt your bottom line and stakeholder relationships. It is therefore essential that STOs are planned, managed and executed as effectively as possible to ensure costs, risks and downtime are minimized and ROI is guaranteed.

The development of an optimized STO strategy will ensure shutdown projects are delivered on time and on budget. In addition, it requires oil, gas and petrochemical companies to thoroughly review their STO processes, systems and practices as well as address the human aspects of STO project management.

Nexus Global invites you to attend the Shutdown/Turnaround/Outage Best Practices Middle East 2012 conference to learn, network and exchange ideas with STO professionals from across the Middle East and beyond. This conference has been specifically designed to bring together STO professionals from the oil, gas and petrochemical industries to discuss the main issues surrounding STOs. Attend this event and have access to:

- Best Practices geared towards practical knowledge
- Global STO Experts:
1. Larry Olson with Nexus Global 2. Ted Lister with CPM Solutions 3. Jay Blair with CDS - Live demonstration from Prometheus Group on Graphical Scheduling with SAP Project Systems
- Networking Opportunities
In addition, Attendees will have a first look at Nexus Global endorsed Work List Management & Work Package Planning Tool. Each attendee will receive a free copy of the tool and have access to a 3 hour Master Class led by the developers, Edmund (Ted) Lister, Senior Consultant, CPM Solutions and Robert (Jay) Blair, Project Controls Specialist, CDS.

Visit download a copy of the brochure and to register!Special offers and promotions are available, contact the Events Team for more information (, +1 713-899-8708).

Engineering Services: Maintenance and Repair

Gulf Oil and Gas
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