The Libya Summit

20-22 November, Organized by Fleming Gulf FZ LLC
Location: Libya Tripoli
Date: 11/20/2012

Organizer: Fleming Gulf FZ LLC
Tel: +91 20 6727 6403
Fax: +91 20 6607 0061

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Event Overview: As a new chapter unfolds in Libya’s history, Libyans have brought democracy and freedom to the country, this itself is a historical achievement, but it is only the start of the new Libya which has the potential of transforming and diversifying its economy to become a super power. Libya is strategically placed, adequately supplied with a pool of talent and has abundant with natural resources.

Libya can quickly become a stable and thriving economy, offering a range of opportunities to businesses. Foreign investments and Foreign Collaborations would bring about a great stability to the economy. Once the oil production is stabilized and infrastructure is rebuilt the other areas of the economy will rapidly become open to investments. The business opportunities will be of considerable importance and the potential investments would be at par with those any other in fast-growing emerging markets.

The summit will bring together business leaders, industry leaders, global policy makers, diplomats and other stakeholders of Libya on a single platform to deliberate the transformation of Libya as a model of stability and economic excellence.

We would like to invite you for "The Libya Summit" which is scheduled for the 20th - 22nd November 2012 in Tripoli, Libya.
The Libya Summit will bring together business leaders, industry leaders, global policy makers, diplomats and other stakeholders of Libya on a single platform to deliberate the transformation of Libya as a model of stability and economic excellence.

Why Attend?
3 Days of knowledge Sharing
10+ Hours of Networking Sessions
10+ Industry Insights
10+ Interactive Sessions
30+ Presentations
8+ Interactive Panel Discussions
35+ Speaker and Panelists
20+ Participating Countries

The Libya Summit • 20 – 22 November 2012 • Tripoli - Libya | | The Libya Summit - Making Way for Newer Avenues |
EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION - Avail an exclusive 20 % discount on the conference pass. Register today!

Key Speakers
Her Royal Highness Princess Alia Al-Senussi Libyan Heritage Trust, Global Heritage Fund Art Patron
Ahmed Shebani, Democratic Party of Libya Founder
Dr. Abubaker Haddud, Ministry of Oil and Gas - Libya Consultant
Dr Faisel Gergab, Libya Stabilization Team - National Transitional Council – Libya Program Manager
Khalid Albebas, Almadar Aljadid Telecom Chief Commercial officer
Abdul Rahman AlAgeli, Libyan Youth Forum Vice President
Hatem H. Benfayed, Libya Housing Authority CEO
Dr. Ahmed M. Shembesh, Libyan Foundation for Rehabilitation Founder
Matthew VanDyke, National Liberation Army of Libya Former Soldier - Ali Hassan al-Jaber Brigade
Adel Suliman, GECOL Libya Capacity building project manager
Obaidah Elmahguibi, Center for British Teachers Affiliate
Former Acting Deputy Chairman of E-learning Initiative Libyan Ministry of Education
Dr.Ramazan Altinok, Prime Ministers Office – Republic of Turkey Chief e-Government Advisor at the Prime Minister‘s Office
Christian Manahl, European Union Policy Advisor
Giuseppe Buccino Grimaldi, Italian Ambassador in Libya (to be confirmed)
William Hatcher, Condor Petroleum Sr Vice President Asset Development and Operations
Fernando Costa Freire, Aman Bank Member of the Board of Directors
Omar Al-Wahaibi, Oman Public Authority For Electricity and Water Board Member
Judge Mohammed Adli Al Nasser, Ministry of Justice – Jordan Judge
Ahmed Al Nuseirat, The General Secretariat of the Executive Council of Dubai Coordinator General - Dubai Government Excellence Program
Prof Dr S.P.Bindra, Libyan Sustainable Business Council Chief Advisor & Founder
Dr. Saif AlJaibeji, Institute of HealthCare Research - Cambridge Academy for Higher Education CEO
Dr. Said Laswad, The Tripoli Post Publisher and Editor

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