Bio-Markets Asia - Biomass Supply Chain & BiofuelsWorld

27-29 January 2015, Organzied by Centre for Management Technology (CMT)
Renewable Energy: Biomass Energy
Location: Indonesia Jakarta
Date: 1/27/2015

Organizer: Centre for Management Technology (CMT)
Tel: +65 6346 9218

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Bio-Markets Asia spotlights on major biofuels developments when it opens in Jakarta, Indonesia on 26-29 January, 2015 via 2 premier summits under its umbrella namely: Biomass Supply Chain | 27-28 Jan, 2015 and BiofuelsWorld | 28-29 Jan, 2015. CMT's Bio-Markets Asia is proud to welcome Mr. Mohd Emir Mavani Abdullah, Group President & CEO Group President & CEO of Felda Global Ventures Holdings Berhad as the keynote speaker at this summit!

PLUS! The first list of speakers confirmed contributing at this mega event:
PT Perkebunan Nusantara IV (PTPN)
PT Inhutani III (Persero)
ADL Capital Advisors
Frost & Sullivan
Green Pool Commodities Services
Hawkins Wright Ltd.
Petrovietnam Research & Development Center for Petroleum Processing
Global Green Synergy Sdn. Bhd.
Bionas Sdn Bhd
SaraRasa Biomass Pte. Ltd.
Felda Global Ventures Holdings Berhad

Key Highlights of Biomass Supply Chain

Opportunities in Domestic Biomass Utilization in Power Generation
Global Market Dynamics for Biomass to Power & Demand for Feedstock
Economics of Biomass Export & Regional Availability
Adding Value to Palm Residue versus Composting
Developing Forestry to Pellet Production Facility
Pelletizing for Specs Standardization
Importance for Organised Logistics Chain

Key Highlights of BiofuelsWorld

Assessing the Opportunities in Indonesia's Biofuels Mandate (in Transportation, Power & Marine Fuels)
Regional Outlook in Biodiesel & Ethanol - Policy & Market Development in China, India, Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand
Cross-Comparative Analysis of Diesel, Palm Oil & Biodiesel Markets
Feedstock Markets Development & Emergence of Novel Feedstock
Supply Chain Stakeholders' Perspective - Plantation, Producers & Blending Companies
Organizing Logistics & Blending Infrastructure for Sustainable Adoption/Usage
Next Generation Solutions in Biofuels Productions

You will meet:
CEOs, Presidents, Managing Directors, VPs, Unit Heads, Lead Analysts, Senior Traders, Advisors, Brokers and Consultants from National level governments, biodiesel and ethanol producers, oil majors, palm oil companies, wood pellet and wood chips producers, PKS exporters, power utilities, feedstock producers, plantation and forestry companies, fuel distributors, green chemical companies, automotive manufacturers, trading houses for biofuels and biomass, financing institutions, feedstock processing & torrefaction technologies providers, pelleting machinery providers, logistics & storage providers, catalysts & additives providers, sustainability consultants, EPC & construction, and testing/inspection companies. For more information please click on the link: Or contact Ms. Hafizah Adam- - +65 63569218

Renewable Energy: Biomass Energy

Gulf Oil and Gas
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