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Unconventional Resources Package

Code: SERV54-URP, Category: Business
Online Subscription Service

Subscribers benefit from accessing full details regarding Unconventional Resource Plays (URP), Key Players, Contact details of Key personnel as compared to the free information posted online at our e-marketplace which provides only a brief description of the Resource Play.

Membership Offer:
A- Gulfoilandgas URP is a service that Provides Information about:
- 200+ resource plays
- In 5 Categories (Shale Gas, Oil Shale, tight gas, Oil sands, CBM)
- 50+ Geological Formations
- Key Players with their contribution in each play
- Key Personel

B- URP includes a marketing component to assist subscribers to promote their business in an innovative approach.

One Stop-Shop to drive your Unconventional oil and gas development forward!
The Unconventional oil and gas Package is a cost effective solution to promote your business and exploit opportunities in key proven and emerging unconventional resource plays. The package includes:

1) Unconventional Resource Plays Database
The Unconventional Resources Database covers shale gas, oil shale, oil sands, tight gas and coalbed methane plays in North America and other emerging regions providing an in-depth source of information on major investors, operators, consultants, key vendors, key contractors, and premium projects news. It is the essential source for top-level data relating to the unconventional Oil and Gas.

2) Unconventional Resources Virtual Exhibition
If you are truly interested in making more sales online, you'll find that there is no better way than reaching extremely targeted professionals in Unconventional Resource plays by joining the Unconventional Resources Exhibition.

The Unconventional Resources Exhibition is associated with a targeted content describing key unconventional resource plays in North America and other emerging regions and provides a link between field development scope, key players, news and events. The integration of the Unconventional Resources Exhibition with such highly targeted content provides the participating members with a unique opportunity to promote their products and services.

The exhibition cornerstone is the electronic catalog service (Catalog 15) where members can display up to 15 products and services in a professional and simple way. Customers can see your company profile, and browse your product catalog including specifications pictures, and other useful details.
 • Catalog Features     • Catalog Benefits

FeaturesUnconventional Plays (Free)Unconventional Plays (Annual)
Companies and Key Players
Company ProfileLimited AccessYes
Project owner dataxYes
Shareholder dataxYes
Key Contractors & ConsultantsxYes
Key VendorsxYes
Key Service ProvidersxYes
Project News IntegrationxYes
Weekly NewsletterYesYes
Virtual Exhibition Listing
Company LogoxYes
Company ProfilexYes
Products and Services ListingxYes
Contact DetailsxYes
Posting Press releasesxYes
Projects ScopeLimited AccessYes
Project UpdatesLimited AccessYes
Key Personnel contactsxYes
Awards and Key ContractsxYes
Linked ProjectsLimited AccessYes
Geological FormationsLimited AccessYes
Project timelinesxYes
Integrated Upstream and Downstream ComponentsxYes

The Unconventional oil and gas Package:
  • Provide you with insight on key proven and emerging unconventional resource plays
  • Minimize your risks through acquisition of critical information
  • Upgrade your Business Intelligence through extensive knowledge of the most important contracts
  • Help you with your strategic planning needs
  • Promote your products and services to a highly targeted Buying Audience: A large number of our audience are engineers responsible for specifying projects and making purchasing decisions
  • Maximize your ROI and leave your competitors behind

About Unconventional Oil and Gas Package

One Stop-Shop for your Critical Business Development Needs: The Unconventional Oil and Gas Package is a cost effective solution to promote your business and exploit opportunities in key proven and emerging unconventional resource plays. The Unconventional Oil and Gas package includes:
1) 3D Projects information service covering shale gas, oil shale, oil sands, tight gas and coalbed methane plays,
2) Catalog 15 for business promotion, and
3) Joining the Unconventional Resources Virtual Exhibition. Offers a Comprehensive Portfolio of Products and Solutions designed to help executives and business developers promote their businesses and exploit opportunities, across Oil & Gas markets. We have many options to serve different geographies, business sizes and specific Business Development needs. Our Business Development solutions are classified under 4 categories: 3D Projects Subscription Services, Small Business Development Packages, Export Enhancement Packages, and Premium Business Packages.
Membership Services

Business Development Solutions   
Strategic & Competitive Intelligence   
Bidding & Procurement Solutions   
Oilfields and Plant Databases   
Marketing Products   
Recruitment Products   

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Specific Interest: Geography/Sectors (500 char.)

Gulf Oil and Gas
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