On March 25, Elia installed the first high-voltage pylon of the new high-voltage line (380kV) between Liefkenshoek and Mercator in Kallo (Beveren) in Kruibeke as part of the Brabo III project. The pylon is the first in a long line of 58 new ones that will prepare the Antwerp and Waasland ports for the electrification of industry and enable our country to exchange more electricity with the Netherlands.
Project enters next phase
In August last year, Elia started demolishing the existing high-voltage line (150kV) between Liefkenshoek and the Mercator high-voltage station in Kruibeke in order to rebuild it at the same location as a new, reinforced high-voltage line (380kV). The installation of the first mast in Kallo is therefore a milestone for Elia in the final phase of the entire Brabo program. The 33.5 tonne and 63 meter high mast is the first in a series of 58 new ones .
Working in the context of Brabo III
Elia is carrying out the works on the Liefkenshoek-Mercator high-voltage line (380kV) as part of the three-part Brabo project. The Brabo III sub-project strengthens the 380kV grid in Belgium, the backbone of our electricity grid . The works promote a smooth and efficient flow of electricity and increase the stability of the electricity grid. In addition, it makes the exchange of electricity with the Netherlands easier. After the works, Elia will receive up to 20%
can transport more electricity via this strengthened electricity connection and thus continue to guarantee security of supply in the future.