Cubatao Refinery Breaks Historic S-10 Diesel Production Records in April

Source: 5/8/2024, Location: South America

The Presidente Bernardes Refinery in Cubatão (SP) closed the month of April with two historic records in its S-10 Diesel operation. Last month, the unit had the highest average daily production of the derivative, with 11,057 m³/d (the previous record was 10,611 m³/d, which occurred in August 2023). Monthly production was also the highest in its history, with 331,708 m³ (previous record: 328,956 m³ in August 2023).

Some factors were decisive for RPBC to reach these marks, such as the high reliability of its processing plant throughout the month, resulting from continuous care with equipment maintenance.

Diesel S-10 is increasingly important in the product portfolio of Petrobras refineries due to its low sulfur content and better environmental results.

RPBC's production of Diesel S-10 mainly supplies the Baixada Santista and Greater São Paulo markets. Other hubs, such as Espírito Santo and states in the North and Northeast of the country, receive the derivative via cabotage from the port of Santos.

According to the director of Industrial Processes and Products at Petrobras, William França, the company has demonstrated a commitment to efficiency and focus on the market: “Petrobras has been working to increase the supply of diesel to the Brazilian market, with great commitment from everyone, in especially for the Refining, Logistics and Marketing teams. We are complying with the quality requirements of the derivatives produced, in addition to investing to operate in a competitive, safe manner and with lower environmental impacts.”

New Integrated Control Center
Another recent achievement by RPBC was the migration of the Integrated Control Center (CCI) from the operational area to a new space in the Administrative Center (CEAD). The space opened on April 30th. “The new CCI mainly reflects our attention to caring for people, in addition to the significant advances in operational integrity and safety,” stated França. With investments of around R$18 million, the new space is larger and brings several ergonomic advances, with better lighting and thermal and acoustic insulation.

Gulf Oil and Gas
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