EnergyAustralia's Lake Lyell Pumped Hydro project to deliver benefits to Lithgow

Source: 7/15/2024, Location: Not categorized

On 1 and 2 July EnergyAustralia held workshops at Lithgow’s Transformation Hub with over 50 community representatives and local leaders in attendance. The goal was to collaboratively design a benefit sharing program that ensures the Lake Lyell Pumped Hydro project contributes to Lithgow’s long-term prosperity.

Lake Lyell Pumped Hydro Project Director, Mike de Vink, said, "We firmly believe in ensuring that the community hosting the Lake Lyell Pumped Hydro project shares in the benefits it brings.

“As owner of the Mt Piper power station, EnergyAustralia has long been a proud part of Lithgow and the surrounding region. Our commitment to making a positive difference to the community where we live and work will grow with the Lake Lyell Pumped Hydro project.

“Our aim is to engage with the community to ensure we fund projects and tackle issues that deeply resonate with the people of Lithgow.

“Our team here on the ground in Lithgow has already had great conversations with locals on what they believe are the big-ticket items that EnergyAustralia can support through our community benefit sharing program.

“During the workshops, we made progress towards transforming two themes around tourism and recreation, and skills and training, into a practical shortlist of projects. These will align with community expectations and deliver tangible benefits.

“Funding for the initiatives will kick off upon approval of the Lake Lyell project’s development application and the green light from investors to begin construction,” said Mr de Vink.

The Lake Lyell Pumped Hydro project is in the feasibility stage with a decision on proceeding likely in the second half of 2025. The project would be built entirely on EnergyAustralia owned-land and will not require any new transmission lines to be built.

The project has a proposed capacity of 335 megawatts for up to eight hours, with capacity for more than 400 megawatts for a shorter duration, providing energy for at least 150,000 homes.

Gulf Oil and Gas
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