Hydrogen Europe letter to Energy Commissioner on Low Carbon Fuels Delegated Act

Source: www.gulfoilandgas.com 8/1/2024, Location: Europe

Yesterday we sent a letter to the Commissioner for Energy Kadri Simson about our proposals for the upcoming Low Carbon Fuels Delegated Act, which represents an essential piece of the emerging hydrogen economy.

Low carbon hydrogen, made from pyrolysis, waste-to-H2, with carbon capture, and other means, will play a significant role in scaling up the hydrogen market, as it will be required while renewable hydrogen is not available in big enough quantities. Along with RFNBOs, renewable carbon fuels and bio-hydrogen, we can help quickly replace fossil hydrogen and other unabated fossil fuels across the economy.

For this reason, the letter recommended the following:
? Speedy adoption of simple rules
? Consistency between the #RFNBO and Low Carbon Delegated Acts
? A distinct #regulatory framework for using dispatchable low-carbon electricity
?Clear and unambiguous rules for establishing emissions from the use of #wasteheat
? Increased accuracy and #flexibility of natural gas upstream emissions accounting
?-Tailoring the allocation of emissions to by-product hydrogen following a similar approach as for #RFNBO and #RCF
?Equal recognition of all #carbonremoval solutions
? A scientific approach to a methodology for hydrogen leakage

Hydrogen Europe letter to Energy Commissioner Kadri Simson

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