3R PETROLEUM ÓLEO E GÁS S.A. (“3R”) and ENAUTA PARTICIPAÇÕES S.A. (“Enauta” and, jointly with 3R, the “Companies”), under the terms of CVM Resolution No. 44, August 23, 2021, following the material facts disclosed on April 1 and 9, 2024, May 17 and 22, 2024, June 26, 2024, July 17 and 30, 2024 and August 1, 2024, and the notices to the market disclosed on July 5, 2024 and August 1, 2024 regarding the transaction involving the merger of Maha Energy (Holding) Brasil Ltda. (“Maha Holding”) into 3R (“Merger of Maha Holding”), and of the merger of Enauta shares into 3R (“Merger of Enauta Shares” and, jointly with Merger of Maha Holding, “Transaction”), communicate to its investors and the market in general the following.
As informed in the material fact released on July 17, 2024, 3R, as the merger of Enauta shares, collected the withholding income tax (“IRRF”) related to the potential capital gain of the non-resident shareholder considering the information provided by the custodian agents and/or the non-resident Enauta shareholders.
On the date hereof, 3R sent the necessary information to B3 for the collection of the amount collected on behalf of the non-resident shareholder, which will be made through debit with B3 or custody account within approximately 5 (five) business days. In addition, 3R reserves its right to collect or offset the IRRF amount possibly collected by 3R on behalf of the non-resident shareholder with any credits held by its shareholder against the Companies, including, without limitation, the amount of any dividends, interest on equity and other earnings that may be declared and/or paid by the Companies at any time.