Bounty Oil & Gas NL yesterday the Hon Ed Husic; one of the Federal Ministers
for Industry and Science made a statement on the PEP-11 Applications for extension, etc. accepted
on 23 January 2020 and 17 March 2021 (the Applications) as filed by the JV Operator,
Asset Energy Pty Limited, controlled by BPH Energy Pty Limited (ASX: BPH).
The Minister advised that he had carefully considered the PEP-11 Exploration Permit Applications
under the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006 (Cth) and formed a
preliminary view that the Applications should be refused.
Bounty has 30 days to make submissions and is considering the correspondence received from
Bounty’s oil production and development operations in Naccowlah Block (Cooper Basin) and
development operations in the Surat Basin are proceeding positively with additional oil
development /appraisal wells expected in 2025.
Additionally, in West Australia, Bounty is pursuing variations to the Jacobson (Cerberus) project FIA
and further announcements will be made about those steps and the deep Permian gas prospects
within the Jacobson those permits and status shortly.