Ecopetrol S.A. announces that the Santa Marta Tribunal (the "Tribunal") issued a favorable decision regarding an appeal against the claim (acción de tutela) filed by the Indigenous Council of Taganga.
The Tribunal's decision partially overturned the ruling of the Fourth Labor Court of the Santa Marta Circuit which had ordered the suspension of exploration and production works in the "Tayrona exploratory drilling area at the Uchuva 2 well."
Additionally, the Tribunal ordered the Ministry of the Interior – Directorate of the National Authority for Prior Consultation (DANCP) to assess the necessity of a prior consultation process with the indigenous community (which had been previously ordered by Fourth Labor Court of the Santa Marta Circuit), within one month from the date of notification of the Tribunal's decision.
This new ruling allows Ecopetrol and Petrobras International Braspetro B.V. – Colombia Branch to continue drilling operations and carry out their operational activities in the Tayrona exploratory drilling area, which are vital for the country's energy security.
Ecopetrol reiterates its commitment to the country and will continue to work safely, respecting life, people, and the environment, recognizing the importance of dialogue with communities and respecting the decisions of the country's authorities.