On November 8, NYK Line (NYK) and MTI Co., Ltd. (MTI) filed a patent application for a technology for transporting reduced iron* by bulk carrier. This technology is a single system that integrates multiple technologies and facilitates safer and higher-quality marine transportation of reduced iron, which can be challenging to control in terms of safety and quality. This will contribute to decarbonizing the steel industry and improving the working environment for seafarers.
Technology Overview
1. Collection of environmental data in the hold
IoT** technology is used to acquire and remotely monitor environmental data (temperature, humidity, oxygen and nitrogen concentration, etc.) in the holds in real time, thereby reducing the risk of cargo damage. This also reduces the frequency of crew members’ visits to the holds to check on cargo and conditions inside the holds. This is expected to prevent seafarer accidents, such as falls and asphyxiation, and call attention to mistakes caused by human error.
2. Estimation of the environment in the hold
The environment in the hold during the voyage is estimated using machine learning, etc., taking into account the ship's specifications, operational data, initial cargo information, etc.
Vessel operation data: estimated route, voyage distance and time, weather and sea conditions that may be encountered, outside temperature, sea water temperature, etc.
Initial cargo information: quantity, cargo temperature and moisture content before loading onto ship, etc.
Vessel characteristics: hull type, age, maintenance history, etc.
3. Support for onboard safety and quality control of marine transportation
The onboard display provides the following information to assist in making hold-safety decisions.
Hold environmental data: temperature, humidity, oxygen and hydrogen concentration, etc.
Hold safety: ensuring safety of cargo (appropriate transport environment) and crew (assistance in determining whether hold access is possible).
Proposing specific countermeasures such as ventilation, inert gas injection timing/amount, voyage route changes, etc.
4. Safety and quality control of marine transportation support from land
Using satellite communications, environmental data collected from sensors in the hold can be viewed in real time from the office. This enables safe ship operations and quality control throughout the entire ship and on land without relying solely on the crew's skill level.
Development Background
Reduced iron is attracting attention for the steel industry to become carbon neutral because reduced iron does not require coke in the manufacturing process. Therefore, various forms of marine transportation of reduced iron are expected to become increasingly active to demand areas from production areas where energy resources such as natural gas are abundant. There is a need for appropriate cargo management on board ships to prevent overheating, fire, and explosion risks during transport. At the same time, effective cargo management methods are required to improve the working environment for seafarers.
The three companies are promoting initiatives in line with the NYK Dry Bulk Division’s four strategies. The patent application is part of "participation in supply chains beyond the shipping industry” to develop new business, which includes the development of various solutions, business alliances, and investments, and the development of transportation technology beyond the "transport" framework.