LSB Industries Announces Publication of 2023 Sustainability Report

Source: 12/3/2024, Location: North America

LSB Industries, Inc. (“LSB” or “the Company”), (NYSE: LXU) today announced the publication of its 2023 Sustainability Report, highlighting the Company's progress in advancing its sustainability efforts. LSB remains focused on its vision of being a leader in the clean energy transition through the production and delivery of low carbon products to multiple end markets. Additionally, the Company prioritizes its involvement in activities that support the long-term sustainability of the business, particularly with respect to its employees, customers, suppliers, the communities where it operates, as well as the environment.

“Since issuing our inaugural Sustainability Report last year, we continue to make progress towards achieving our long-term sustainability goals,” stated Mark Behrman, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. “Sustainability is an ongoing journey and over the past year we have made positive contributions to many of our areas of influence and for many of our key stakeholders. As we move forward to the New Year, our strategic plan is ingrained with numerous components aimed at making LSB a more sustainable company for years to come.”

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