Nordion Energi invests in biogas liquefaction plant in the Port of Gothenburg

Source: 12/11/2024, Location: Europe

Nordion Energi is investing in a new biogas liquefaction plant in the Port of Gothenburg. The plant is planned to be completed in autumn 2026 and will initially be able to deliver 250 GWh of liquefied biogas (LBG) annually, thereby meeting the growing demand for renewable energy in shipping, heavy transport and industry.

“This investment is an important step towards our goal of a completely green gas network. A liquefaction plant means that more biogas producers will connect to the grid, which greatly increases the security of supply for all customers who want to use biogas,” says Hans Kreisel, CEO Nordion Energi.

A market with great growth potential
The investment comes at a time when the Swedish market for liquefied biogas is expected to grow to over 10 TWh by 2030. The plant will be the first in Sweden with a direct connection to western Sweden’s gas grid. It will be used for both storage and distribution of liquefied biogas.

St1 Biokraft is first to sign the agreement – capacity available for more players
The energy company St1 Biokraft has already secured part of the plant’s capacity. The remaining capacity is offered to players who want to accelerate the transition to fossil-free alternatives.

“We’re expanding our availability of LBG for our customers in heavy transport, shipping and industry. This plant plays a key role in our supply chain with its strategic location at the Port of Gothenburg, enabling us to efficiently supply filling stations and industries in the region as well as bunkering vessels. Our goal is to reach 6 TWh of biogas sales by 2030,” says Miika Johansson, CEO of St1 Biokraft.

Investment strengthens the Port’s green transition
The plant at the Port of Gothenburg is seen as an important step towards the Port’s goal of becoming a leading bunkering hub for renewable fuels in Northern Europe, with liquefied biogas as an important part of the fuel mix in shipping.

“Liquefied biogas is a natural step forward for shipping operators who have transitioned to using LNG, liquefied natural gas, as fuel. The plant will help to ensure that liquefied biogas will be easily available to the shipping industry, every day, around the clock. This is a very welcome development,” says Jill Söderwall, Business Area Manager at the Port of Gothenburg.

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