Rejlers and E.ON have entered into a framework agreement that strengthens the collaboration regarding technical consulting services and sustainable energy solutions. The agreement means that Rejlers and E.ON are jointly taking important steps towards the energy landscape of the future by contributing to the transition towards a more sustainable and climate-friendly energy supply. The agreement runs for three years, with the possibility of extension for a further year, and represents a long-term investment in technological innovation and energy efficiency.
The framework agreement covers E.ON Sverige AB and E.ON Energidistribution AB, and Rejlers will contribute with technical consulting services in a wide range of areas of expertise such as project management, building and civil engineering, IT, electric power, documentation and HSE (health, safety and environment).
“We look forward to deepening our collaboration with E.ON and together creating new opportunities for innovative energy solutions. With our joint expertise and a strong perspective for the future, we can make a big difference to both E.ON's development and society's energy transition”, says Jonas Böös, Business Developer at Rejlers.
E.ON is a leading player that delivers electricity, heat and smart energy solutions to over one million households and companies in Sweden. With support from Rejlers' expertise in energy, power systems and critical infrastructure, the company is equipped to meet the challenges of the future and create a sustainable energy system that benefits both people and the environment, now and in the future.