In response to the current situation, where gas storage is being depleted at a higher rate than expected, Gasunie Transport Services (GTS) - a wholly owned subsidiary of Gasunie - presents an interim report. Currently, there is no deterioration in the situation with regards to security of supply of natural gas. However, in the event of a severe winter, a situation with a tight gas supply and possibly high gas prices may arise.
Although additional gas extraction from storage has been observed since the autumn of 2024, there is still a large volume available in absolute terms. Security of supply is therefore guaranteed. However, a severe winter could lead to a tight supply and higher gas prices in the wholesale market. This could affect costs for households and businesses, depending on developments in the coming months.
Storage levels
The current fill level of gas storage is lower than observed in recent years. This is due to an extraction rate significantly higher than can be expected based on temperature trends alone. Without this additional extraction, the fill level in the Netherlands would currently be about 15 percentage points higher. Although a similarly low fill level is observed in France, for Europe as a whole, the fill level is comparable to previous years.
International and geopolitical Influences
The Netherlands is increasingly dependent on gas imports and a well-functioning European gas market. Developments and uncertainties within the Northwest European region therefore affect the Dutch situation. Currently, there is sufficient gas from LNG imports, gas production in the Netherlands, and adequate supply of gas through pipelines and interconnections. GTS closely monitors the market and sees no direct threat to supply security in the current fill level.