TMK Announces Operations Review - December 2024

Source: 1/2/2025, Location: Asia

? Pilot Production wells and facilities operated close to 100% uptime during December 2024
? Gas production from original three pilot wells (LF-01. LF-02 and LF-03) quickly resumed following return to normal pump speeds
? Fluid levels being slowly reduced in new wells (LF-04, LF-05 and LF-06) with strong water production indicating good permeability
? Distributed Temperature Sensing (DTS) data being successfully collected and to be interpreted in the coming months as more data acquired

TMK Energy Limited (TMK or the Company) is pleased to report that all six pilot production wells, including the three recently drilled pilot production wells at the Gurvantes XXXV Coal Seam Gas (CSG) Project, have been successfully producing from the date of commissioning for the full month of December 2024, with only minimal downtime due to minor third-party power outages.

The pump speeds on the three original pilot wells (LF-01, LF-02 and LF-03) were run at idle speed during the drilling of the new pilot wells, reducing gas flows to almost zero. Following commissioning of the new wells, the pump speeds of the original wells were gradually increased and gas flows quickly returned to these wells once fluid levels were reduced to prior levels.

Fluid levels in the new wells (LF-04, LF-05 and LF-06) continue to be drawn down slowly in accordance with the reservoir management plan. Fluid levels have been reduced by approximately 30% towards the desired level and will continue to be reduced over the next 2-3 weeks, at which point all six wells will be at their design fluid levels.

DTS data is successfully being collected from LF-04 and LF-05 and is currently being reviewed. The DTS is an important tool to help identify which zones within the very thick production interval are contributing the most water and/or gas. Further data will be collected in the coming weeks as fluid levels continue to decrease in these wells, with the data then expected to be able to be interpreted in detail in the coming months.

Mr Dougal Ferguson, TMK Energy’s Chief Executive Officer commented:
“We are pleased to report that the wells and facilities have operated very efficiently throughout the month of December 2024 and the wells are performing in line with expectations.

It is pleasing to see the gas production from the original wells quickly return at the same, if not slightly better rates than before. Once the new wells reach their design fluid levels in the next few weeks, we expect to see gas production from those wells and start making real progress towards reaching the critical desorption pressures required for a material increase in gas flow rates.”

For the purposes of ASX Listing Rule 15.5, the Board has authorised for this announcement to be released.

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