Kolibri Global Energy Inc. Provides 2025 Guidance

Source: www.gulfoilandgas.com 1/14/2025, Location: North America

Kolibri Global Energy Inc. (the “Company” or “Kolibri”) (TSX: KEI, NASDAQ: KGEI) is providing 2025 guidance for its Tishomingo field in Oklahoma.

The strategy of the Company for 2025 is to further build on the success we have had for the last few years. This includes continuing cash flow growth, developing the Company’s reserves, returning capital to shareholders, and testing the economics of nonproven areas.

Based on the successful results of our first three 1.5-mile laterals, we have designed a new full field development plan consisting mainly of 1.5 and 2-mile laterals. The Company’s current plan anticipates bringing nine wells on production this year. Kolibri plans to drill and complete four 1.5-mile lateral wells (100 percent working interest) from one pad in the second quarter, drill two additional 1.5-mile lateral wells in the second half of the year (99.9 percent working interest), and then fracture stimulate these wells together with the two 1-mile lateral Velin wells (96.7 percent working interest) that the Company had previously drilled.

The ninth planned well, the Forguson 17-20-3H well, will be drilled to test the economics of the Caney Formation on the Company’s eastern acreage. Kolibri will operate and have a 46% working interest in this well, as a large integrated oil company has elected to participate and is expected to be drilled late in the 2nd quarter. The Caney target on the eastern side has similar characteristics and thickness as in the heart of Kolibri’s proved acreage in the main part of the field, except that it is shallower.

Kolibri has approximately 3,000 net acres on its east side acreage. All of the eastern acreage is currently classified as contingent resources by Kolibri’s independent reservoir engineering firm, as no well has been completed in the Caney on this acreage. If the Forguson well proves to be economic, in addition to adding cash flow, it can lead to many additional development locations for the Company.

Wolf Regener, President and CEO, commented, “We are excited to forecast another strong year of growth in 2025, which builds upon the tremendous growth we have already experienced in the last three years. The average production, revenue, and adjusted EBITDA guidance for 2025 again show significant growth from the 2024 forecast numbers, even with a US$70 WTI price assumption. The Company intends to continue repurchasing shares and has, to date, repurchased approximately 280,000 shares.

“The Company’s strong balance sheet and our conservative price forecast allows us the ability to adjust the timing of the wells planned for the second half of 2025 based on the price of oil and the performance of the wells.

“I am also looking forward to testing the economics of our east side acreage as a successful Forguson well would add additional drilling locations and reserves. A successful drilling campaign on the east side acreage could add significant additional shareholder value.

“I’m very proud of our team’s execution this past year. Our 1.5-mile lateral wells were drilled safely and quickly with an estimated all-in well cost averaging less than US$6.3 million per well. In addition, the wells we drilled in 2024 were almost all classified as possible locations by our independent reservoir engineering firm on our year end 2023 reserve report. We are looking forward to the new reserve report, which will incorporate the wells we drilled, including the longer laterals, and which we anticipate will lead to increases in our reserves value.”

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