Advanced Refining Concepts, LLC Introduces Two New Application-Specific Diesel Fuels

Source: 1/16/2025, Location: North America

After an intensive four-year R&D and testing program, Advanced Refining Concepts, LLC (ARC) announces two new diesel fuels designed specifically for urban and long-range diesel engine applications. The two new diesel fuels are trademarked as GDiesel Lightning and GDiesel Thunder.

GDiesel Lightning, a lighter, faster igniting diesel fuel, is designed specifically for urban start-stop operations such as city buses, delivery vehicles, passenger cars and light trucks. A quicker heat release increases responsiveness and efficiency, while dramatically reducing visible smoke and other regulated emissions in excess of 35% in these applications. The fuel is also designed for superior cold weather operations without additives.

GDiesel Thunder, a heavier, higher energy content fuel with improved cetane and lubricity, is designed specifically for on-highway, agricultural, stationary power, rail and marine applications. In such steadier and continuous engine operating modes, this fuel maximizes efficiency typically from 5-10%, reduces emissions and minimizes engine wear.

GDiesel Lightning and GDiesel Thunder were developed and tested at ARC's joint-venture GDiesel pilot production facility located in Leuna, Germany.

"We went back to Germany, where diesel fuel was originally invented, to reinvent it," said Peter Gunnerman, ARC's Managing Partner.

Both fuels meet current diesel regulatory standards, obviating the need for engine, fueling infrastructure or warranty modifications. Maintaining standards will speed the introduction of these fuels in select geographic areas through ARC's existing licensees or future partners with established national or international distribution networks.

"Engine manufacturers are at their limits trying to improve efficiency and emissions from standard diesel. It is long past due time to redesign the fuel side," said Peter Gunnerman. "It has never made sense to assume that one diesel fuel option can be efficient for all diesel engine types and operating cycles."

ARC's new fuels potential is not just limited to petroleum diesel. The process to make GDiesel Lightning and GDiesel Thunder has also been successfully applied to renewable diesel, and both petroleum and bio-based versions of these fuels can be used as next-generation blend stocks, or to vastly increase biodiesel blend ratios and efficiency in varying climates.

"Environmental benefits and cost savings were top of mind when designing our new fuels," Gunnerman said. "At the same time, GDiesel Lightning and GDiesel Thunder bring a lot of excitement and swagger to diesel driving."

Advanced Refining Concepts, LLC (ARC) is a U.S.-based clean fuels research company founded in 2008. ARC owns rights to national and international patents on a unique low-temperature and low-pressure refining technology that can inexpensively and safely upgrade a wide array of petroleum and biofuel products.

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