The Company's Board of Directors is pleased to announce a successful re-negotiation of the management fee the Company pays to Ecofin Advisers, LLC ("Ecofin") under the Investment Management Agreement dated 11 November 2020. The changes are aimed at better aligning the interests of Ecofin with shareholders' interests.
Under the terms of the investment management agreement Ecofin is entitled to 1 per cent. per annum of the Net Asset Value ("NAV") up to and equal to US$500 million, payable quarterly in arrears. In respect of any quarter beginning 1 January 2025 onwards, the fee will be determined by the lower of the Company's market capitalisation or NAV.
In addition, management fees for Q3 2024 will be based on the NAV as adjusted downwards so as to take into account the price realised for the sale of the DG Solar assets as per the RNS dated 13 December 2024.