Managed by the Joint Operating Company (JOC) Burullus Gas Company S.A.E. (EGPC 50%, BG Group 25%, PETRONAS 25%), the second stage of Phase 7 comprises onshore gas receiving facilities, five new compressors and a new power plant (the first stage comprised a new 36" pipeline to the onshore receiving facilities). This latest phase of the WDDM (BG Group 50%, PETRONAS 50%) development is designed to help maintain plateau gas production from the Concession and, in the longer term, these new compression facilities will access incremental reserves as offshore reservoir pressures drop.
The compressors use aero-derivative gas turbine technology, a first for an E&P facility in Egypt, reducing impacts on the environment. The new power plant supplements the existing power facility in Idku, and comprises three gas turbine units operating at 11Kv.
Commenting on the final delivery of Phase 7 Project, BG Egypt President Arshad Sufi said: "We are very pleased with this latest field development phase, which has been delivered within budget, and commissioned and constructed ahead of schedule during a challenging year for Egypt. The successful delivery was made possible through the support of BG Egypt and its partners."
General Electric supplied the compressors, while the new power plant was supplied by Siemens. EGPC affiliate companies performed key roles across the project. ENPPI were responsible for the design and procurement; Petrojet performed the construction work; while EMC undertook commissioning.
During peak activity, the project generated employment for 1,500 people. Since July 2010, the project has delivered over five million manhours without a Lost Time Injury.