Breitling Oil and Gas Corporation, an independent exploration and production company based in Irving, Texas, announced today that it has spud the Breitling-Diego #1 in Duval County, Texas as it continues to develop its “Gulf Coast Onshore Initiative” that began in May 2010.
The Breitling-Diego #1 Prospect is expected to be drilled to 5,600 feet to test the Pettus Sands and Yegua Sands. The Pettus Sand in the North Fitzsimmons Field Area consists of Upper, Middle, and Lower sands, of which, the upper and lower have been previously exploited for gas and oil respectively. The Middle Pettus Sand in the southwest corner of the lease acreage, remains largely unproduced in the area.
Management anticipates the well will reach total depth in about 6 days. Well completion and testing on the Breitling-Diego #1 well should begin during the last week of November 2012.
Breitling Oil and Gas CEO Chris Faulkner stated, “The primary structure in the North Fitzsimmons Fields Prospect is an antithetic, up-to-the-coast fault closure running southwest to northeast through the lease acreage.” Faulkner added, “Lower Pettus oil production is on the up-thrown closure to the southeast of the fault and our position looks good in the field.”