TNK-BP will invest over 10 billion roubles (c. $340 million) into its environmental protection programs in 2013, a 5.2% increase over 2012.
The environmental focus of TNK-BP is to minimize the footprint of its operations, ensure safe and efficient waste management and conduct environmental monitoring. The Company has consistently and successfully delivered on its self-imposed commitments to clean up and remediate polluted legacy sites inherited in 2003.
Over the last five years, TNK-BP has carried out 40 billion roubles worth of environmental programs and is an industry leader on that score.
Says Elena Kompasenko, Vice President, HSE , TNK-BP: “We realize our responsibility for preventing damage to the environment. The Company has been progressively improving the environmental standards of its operations over the years by tightening its industrial safety requirements. The main emphasis is on new technology; every year we invest more to buy new equipment and make sure that our preventive and remediating efforts are carried out with maximum effectiveness and care.”