Blackdog 3-13-14H (SSN WI 25.03%)
The 6 inch lateral portion of the well was drilled to a total depth of 20,040 feet into the Middle
Bakken. The 4.5 inch production liner has been run and preparing to cement the liner in place.
Following rig release, the Frontier 24 will move to the E. Rennerfeldt 2-well pad.
The Blackdog well is a middle Bakken lateral and is the infill location between the Rodney 1-14H
well (SSN WI 27.18%) and the Sail and Anchor 1-13-14HBK well (SSN WI 25.03%).
Frac operations in the Blackdog well are expected to take place following fracture of the Little
Creature 3-15-14HBK.
Coopers 2-15-14HBK (SSN WI 27.7%) and Tooheys 4-15-14HBK (SSN WI 27.7%)
Fracture stimulation operations on the Coopers and Tooheys wells were completed, and both of
the wells are currently shut-in. Flow-back operations on these wells will commence following
fracture stimulation on the Little Creature.
Little Creature 3-15-14HBK (SSN WI 27.7%),
The Little Creature well has been prepared for frac operations, which are expected to commence
December 27.
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