Gazprom and Siemens to Extend Strategic Partnership Agreement

Source: 3/26/2014, Location: Asia

The Gazprom headquarters hosted a working meeting between Alexey Miller, Chairman of the Company's Management Committee and Joe Kaeser, President and CEO of Siemens.

The meeting participants discussed the current state and development prospects for the partnership between the companies. It was pointed out that for more than 20 years of the cooperation the companies had successfully delivered a number of joint projects, particularly, implementation of automation and informatization systems, procurement of gas compressor and electrical equipment as well as turbines for Gazprom's facilities.

The parties supported the idea to extend the existing Strategic Partnership Agreementsigned by Gazprom and Siemens in December 2011. The document provides for furthering the strategic cooperation in the Russian and international markets, including such sectors as gas production and transmission, underground storage and use as well as automation systems engineering and innovative development, power generation and energy saving technologies.

Siemens is a major manufacturer of electronics and electric tools within such sectors as information technologies and communication, automation and control systems, power industry, transport and healthcare.

Gazprom and Siemens are promoting the cooperation in the following areas: innovations, automation, IT, telemechanics and telecommunications; power generation; compressor station equipment; offshore oil and gas field development technologies; security systems for buildings and structures; energy saving and environmental protection; novel medical technologies; project finance.

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