Cue Energy Resources Ltd has been advised by OMV New Zealand Ltd, the Operator of permit PEP 51313, that the Whio-1 exploration well spud at 21:45 hours (local time) on 23rd July (map attached). The rig came on contract on 19th July and was towed 40 km from the previous location arriving at the Whio location on 20th July.
Whio-1 is being drilled from the semi-submersible drilling rig ‘Kan Tan IV’ at a surface location 110 km south-west of New Plymouth, Taranaki, New Zealand and 4.5 km south-east of the Maari well-head platform. The well has a planned total depth of 2,879m MDRT (2,754m TVDRT) and the well path will be deviated northwards from the surface location to avoid possible shallow drilling hazards above the subsurface targets.
The primary reservoir objectives at Whio are the M2A Sandstone and Mangahewa Formation which are oil bearing in the Maari Field. Secondary reservoir objectives are the Moki, Kaimiro and Farewell formations. Cue’s assessment of Whio indicates mean unrisked prospective resources of 18 million barrels of oil (100% basis). The close proximity of Whio to existing production infrastructure at the Maari Field provides potential opportunities for early development of any discovered petroleum. A successful well at Whio will open additional exploration potential along the Tasman Ridge to the south of Maari, including the Matariki prospect.
Cue will be free-carried by OMV in the drilling and completion of Whio-1 under the terms of a farm-out agreement signed in December 2012.