Global Maritime Group Wins Mooring Contract for Woodside

Source: 7/8/2015, Location: Not categorized

Global Maritime Deep Sea Mooring has been awarded a contract for the provision of mooring and rig positioning services to the Australian oil and gas company Woodside.

Under the contract with Woodside, Global Maritime Deep Sea Mooring will perform mooring and rig positioning services for semi-submersible drilling unit Ocean Monarch, which is drilling at the Julimar field on the Northwest Shelf, Australia. Mobilisation and offshore operations commenced in May 2015.

“Winning this contract confirms the importance of flexibility and local presence, with availability of equipment and personnel. We are very pleased that our unique advanced technologies and equipment specifications are highly appreciated by key industry players”, says Managing Director Barry Silver in Global Maritime Deep Sea Mooring Australia. “This is our first contract with Woodside, and we look forward to developing a close cooperation going forward”.

Related Categories: Diving Contractors  Dredging  FPSO Vessels and Equipment  General  Marine Services  Mooring Systems  Offshore Platforms  Subsea Production 

Related Articles: Diving Contractors  Dredging  FPSO Vessels and Equipment  General  Marine Services  Mooring Systems  Offshore Platforms  Subsea Production 

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