Foster Wheeler South Africa (Pty) Limited has been awarded an engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) contract by Republic of Mozambique Pipeline Investments Company (Pty) Ltd. (ROMPCO) to upgrade the capacity of the natural gas pipeline which runs from the Temane gas field in Mozambique to Secunda in South Africa.
"We are delighted to be awarded the EPC contract for this major pipeline project by ROMPCO," said Steve Scott, managing director of Foster Wheeler South Africa (Pty) Limited. "The award of this latest phase of the project follows the successful completion of the feasibility study by our UK operation and the front-end engineering design (FEED) by our operation in Johannesburg. We have played a significant role in the Temane field development, the first major upstream development in Mozambique, serving as the FEED and EPC contractor for the Temane wellsites, flowlines and a new central gas processing facility. We are pleased to have extended our involvement in the overall Temane-Secunda value chain and are committed to delivering another successful project in the region."
This capacity expansion project primarily involves the installation at Komatipoort, South Africa, of a new compressor station, including two new gas-turbine-driven compressor units and ancillary equipment to increase the pipeline gas flow rate. The existing pressure protection system at Secunda will also be upgraded to accommodate the increased gas flows.