The public company Petroecuador awarded the company PTT International Trading PTE. LTD. The importation of 3'120,000.00 barrels of Naphtha from Alto Octano Ron 93. The company awarded a spread of +3.49 dollars per barrel. The proposals were evaluated.
Of the 34 companies invited for the competition 8 and 6 offers they were received excuses. The eight companies that submitted bids were Arkham SA, BB Energy (Asia) PTE. LTD., Glencore LTD., Lukoil Pan Americas, LLC, Phillips 66 Company, Trafigura PTE. LTD., VitoLInc. And PTT Interantional Trading PTE. LTD.
According to the bidding rules, the volume offered of 3'120,000.00 barrels of Nao Ron 93 will reach the country in thirteen shipments, of 240,000 barrels +/- 10% each. The first delivery will arrive in the country from January 12 to 14, 2017.
With this import, EP Petroecuador guarantees the supply of this derivative until June 2017. The Alto Octano Naphtha Ron 93 is a derivative used for the production of gasolines.