ENAP & YPF Announce Operational Update of PIAM Project

Source: www.gulfoilandgas.com 1/3/2017, Location: South America

ENAP Sipetrol Argentina complied with one of the key stages of the Magallanes Area Incremental Project (PIAM): the arrival of the ship that will run the new gas pipeline from Faro Virgenes to the AM2 platform, located 18 kilometers from the coast, and the tasks relating to shore approach, for connection of the duct with the new treatment plant onshore.

The Incremental Project Magellan Area (PIAM) is an energy project that ENAP Sipetrol Argentina announced jointly with YPF in June and aims to substantially increase production of oil and natural gas associated with crude Reservoir Magallanes, located in the eastern mouth of Strait of Magellan.

In mid-December, the ship from China arrived in the port of Punta Arenas (Chile), carrying on its deck the Jascon 34, the vessel in charge of laying the new gas pipeline that will connect the AM2 platform with the new Incremental Treatment Plant Of Gas, located in Faro Virgenes.

This marks two of the most important milestones in the progress of the project, which is already underway and begins to manifest itself in concrete works and events.

On the other hand, the Draga (of Belgian flag), a vessel that carried out dredging and underwater excavation work for the initial laying of the gas pipeline, also arrived in the area of work in the Province of Santa Cruz.

As part of the work of the shore approach, was installed the winch to be used during the maneuvers of pull in , or pulled the new product, then begin with the laying of the pipeline 18 kilometers on the seabed to connect with The AM2 platform.

The PIAM, developed by ENAP Sipetrol Argentina and YPF, entails an initial investment of around 165 million dollars, which will contribute to Argentina's energy supply and the strengthening of regional energy integration.

Once completed, the PIAM Project will increase the daily production of natural gas by more than 60% - from the current 2.4 million m3 / day to an approximate value of 4 million m3 / day; And 25% of the associated crude oil production - from the current 800 m3 / day, to 1000 m3 / day approximately - in that area of exploitation.

The operation is generating a favorable impact on economic and social activity in Patagonia, based on a responsible and sustainable operation in the management of vital resources.

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