The General Assembly Meeting of the National Oil Wells Drilling and Workover Company was held at NOC HQs chaired by Eng. Mustafa Sanalla Chairman of the General Assembly of the Company and in the presence of its members Messrs Abulgasem Shingheer, Elamari Mohamed Elamari and Jadalla Alaokali. Messrs Chairman and Members of the Management Committee of the National Oil Wells Drilling and Workover Company, Head of the Control Authority in addition to managers and general managers of the departments and specialists from NOC and the Company attended the meeting as well.
Eng. Mustafa Sanalla started the meeting by commending the Company employees' efforts in different fields to maintain the workflow despite of the difficult circumstances that the Company went through during the last three years because of lack of budgets for drilling works, which led to cutting down drilling projects during that period. This, in turn, reflected negatively on the financial position of the Company in addition to the security situation in that period and the acts of stealing and damaging of drilling and maintenance equipment that the Company experienced.
Eng. Sanalla also indicated that NOC Board of Directors had decided to approve up to 80 projects of drilling and maintaining of wells for a number of operating companies affiliated to NOC within the programs of the National Oil Wells Drilling Company for 2018 to support this Company as being one of the pioneer national companies in this field. The year 2018 is expected to be an exceptional year for the Company and it will be positively reflected on the financial and functional positions if the security situation in the country remains stable.
Eng. Mustafa Sanalla asserted NOC's persistent interest in applying environmental conservation policy in the areas surrounding drilling operations and applying safety and security instructions and regulations first. He considered keeping the employees safe and secure as more important than gaining any production achievements indicating the necessity of learning from the previous mistakes in this respect.
On another hand, Mr. Mahmoud Abusreweil Chairman of the Management Committee of National Oil Wells Drilling said that the Company looked forward to achieving its targets in 2018 through improving performance and upgrading the standard of work in all aspects and concentrate on training programs. In this regard, he explained that the Company had established a National Training Center that would train the employees on how to control any possible incident at work. Work on constructing indoor pools for training on sea rescue in preparation for starting offshore drilling was already underway. All these programs, according to him, will certainly enhance the Company's resources.
Mr. Abusreweil explained that the Company prepared a specifications plan for the maintenance of oil wells as per the available budgets and such plan would be aimed at about 80 % of the oil fields.
He also introduced the main problems and difficulties that faced the Company and the suggested solutions to deal with such problems.
Then, the presentation on the Company activity of 2017 and its different departments' targets of 2017 started. It included a comparison of the implemented projects in different years and showed a report on the total approved budget and aspects of disbursing this budget in addition to the expected budget for 2018 and its funding sources.
The report of the Control Authority was presented too, which contained comments and opinions on the Company's work process.