Dommo Energia S.A. (“Company”) pursuant to article 157, paragraph 4th of Brazilian Corporate Law 6,404/76 and CVM Instruction 358/02, announces to its shareholders and the market in general that the Board of Directors (“Board”) of the Company accepted, with effect from April 30, 2021, the resignation presented by Mr. Eduardo Yuji Tsuji to the position of Chief Financial and Investor Relations Officer of the Company, according to the Letter of Resignation of March 1, 2021 addressed to the Chairman of the Board and the Chief Executive Officer of the Company explaining that his request is due to personal reasons and projects.
On the same date, Mr. Eduardo Yuji Tsuji, also resigned, with effect from April 30, 2021, from the other positions held by him in the management of the Company's subsidiaries, Dommo R-11 Petróleo e Gás SA and a Óleo e Gás Participações SA.
Mr. Eduardo Yuji Tsuji will perform his duties until April 30, 2021, including, period in which he will complete the preparation of the annual financial statements, the process of independent financial audit of the financial statements, the disclosure to the market of the financial statements, as well as assisting the Finance and Investor Relations teams in the transition process.
The Company would like to thank Mr. Eduardo Yuji Tsuji for all contributions in the exercise of his executive function and for the legacy he leaves the organization as Chief Financial and Investor Relations Officer.
The Company will keep the market and its shareholders informed about the subject addressed in this Material Fact and about any other related acts or facts that may in any way influence the investment decisions of its shareholders and the market in general.