Naftogaz Group Increases Drilling Speed by 9%

Source: 6/8/2021, Location: Asia

Ukrburgaz drilling unit, part of Ukrgasvydobuvannya JSC (Naftogaz Group), has increased its commercial drilling speed to 794 meters per month over the first five months of 2021, which is 9% higher compared to the same period last year.

Total meterage drilled grew by 12% to 73 thousand meters. This improvement was achieved mostly thanks to a 4% decrease in non-productive time during 2021.

“Our results for the first five months of 2021 are inspiring, especially considering the slow rebound in global energy prices, the COVID-19 pandemic, and ongoing reorganization. Under these circumstances, we have managed not only to maintain but also to increase drilling speed. In less than six months, we have commissioned 15 wells, including four high-rate wells with total output of more than 500,000 cubic meters of gas per day,” commented the head of the technical division, Andriy Khomenko.

29 out of 35 Naftogaz’s drilling rigs (20 new and 15 upgraded) are currently involved in operations, which is sufficient to meet the Group’s operating targets. Work is performed by drilling teams trained by the world’s leading manufacturers of drilling equipment. Naftogaz has decommissioned all obsolete and inefficient Soviet era drilling rigs.

Meanwhile, the company continues to re-equip where necessary. For instance, the purchase of 10 new workover rigs using EBRD loans has been resumed. Delivery is scheduled for Q4 2022.

? Commercial drilling speed is the ratio between meterage drilled and calendar drilling time including non-productive time and interruptions to eliminate accidents.

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