Gasum supports research and development in the gas sector through the Gasum Gas Fund. Research, technology and innovations play key roles in the journey towards a clean and sustainable Nordic gas ecosystem. Grants for 2021 were given out from the Gasum Gas Fund to six researchers in Helsinki.
The Gasum Gas Fund supports full-time research relating to education, research and development aiming to promote the gas ecosystem. Gasum Gas Fund is one of the special funds run and administered by the Finnish Foundation for Technology Promotion (TES). Grants have been given out from the fund for researchers developing future solutions concerning, for example, the bioeconomy and circular economy, transport and logistics or energy solutions promoting the use of gas. For the application period and call for applications will be open at the beginning of 2022.
Grants for 2021 were given out from the Gasum Gas Fund to six researchers in Helsinki this year.
The objective of the Gas Fund is to support full-time research with full daily allowances. In addition, the Gas Fund seeks to provide long-term funding for research carried out by students. The Gasum Gas Fund is one of the special funds run and administered by the Finnish Foundation for Technology Promotion (TES).
Received by six persons this year, the grants from the Gasum Gas Fund in 2021 totaled €63,000 (2020: 75 000)
• Miriam Kellock: Analysis of the rate limiting steps in enzymatic hydrolysis of lignocellulose: the effect of lignin and enzyme structure, 12 000 €
• Miika Marttila: Kasvihuonelämmitysmenetelmien ilmastonlämpenemispotentiaali boreaalisella ilmastovyöhykkeellä Väitöskirjassa: Agroekologisten ja teollisten symbioosien ympäristövaikutukset maaseutuliiketoiminnassa, Lappeenrannan-Lahden teknillinen yliopisto LUT, 5 000 €
• Sami Lieskoski: The use of energy storage to integrate renewable energy in the transition to carbon-neutrality, Abo Akademi, 12 000 €
• Marjaana Hassani: Pientareet ja joutomaat energianlähteinä, Jyväskylän yliopisto, 24 000 €
• Hassaan Ahmad Warraich: Master's thesis: "Studies on carbon dioxide hydrogenation to methanol using in-situ diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy and mass spectrometry", Aalto yliopisto, 5 000 €
• Danielle Bansfield: Exploiting the unexploited: improved recycling of nutrients in the reject water from biogas production into value-added products, Aalto yliopisto, 5 000 €