Equinor – Tjeldbergodden – Major Accidents & Maintenance Management
Source: www.gulfoilandgas.com 7/2/2021, Location: Europe
The Petroleum Safety Authority Norway (PSA) has carried out an audit of major accidents and the management of maintenance at Tjeldbergodden. The audit was carried out on 19-21 May 2021.
The objective of the audit was to verify that maintenance management, including the follow-up thereof and any ongoing changes of significance for this management, comply with the authorities' and the company's own requirements. We also wanted to check that work on improving maintenance management is ensuring that important contributors to HSE risk and uncertainty are identified and followed up.
One non-conformity was identified concerning the planning and execution of maintenance.
In addition, an improvement point was identified relating to the continuous updating of the management system SAP.
What happens next?
We have asked Equinor to report on how the non-conformity will be addressed. We have also asked the company for its assessment of the improvement point. The deadline for reply is set at 1 September 2021.