Petroecuador Announces Diesel from Refinería Esmeraldas Reduces Sulfur Levels

Source: 11/16/2021, Location: South America

The Minister of Energy and Non-Renewable Natural Resources, Juan Carlos Bermeo Calderón, reported that “as part of the fuel quality optimization and improvement processes carried out by EP Petroecuador and in compliance with Decree 95, issued by the current Government National, the severity (higher pressure and temperature) in the Diesel Hydrodesulfurization Unit (HDS) of Refinería Esmeraldas was increased to its maximum capacity, which allows the reduction of the concentration of Sulfur in the Premium Diesel, reaching an average in October of 86 ppm in the northern part of the country ”.

These actions aim to maintain an environmentally responsible operation and deliver better fuels to citizens and thus reduce CO2 emissions.

The public company has carried out the necessary coordination to guarantee the supply of Premium Diesel at the national level with a better quality, compared to last year, since in 2021 the average Sulfur content is 35 ppm in the southern zone and 95 ppm in the northern part of the country.

The refinery process plants operate 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The Esmeraldas Refinery has a processing capacity of 110 thousand barrels of crude and produces fuels such as gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, and LPG, among others.

Gulf Oil and Gas
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