The Gazprom Management Committee noted information regarding the development of additional gas infrastructure expansion in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation throughout 2022, specifically the efforts to bring pipeline gas to the boundaries of homes at no cost to the populace in areas already covered by the gas grid.
As of July 7, the Single operator of gas infrastructure expansion (SO, Gazprom Gazifikatsiya) and regional gas infrastructure expansion operators have received more than 920,000 applications for additional gas grid expansion. As many as 427,700 contracts have been signed, of which about 38 per cent have been executed.
In the areas falling under the responsibility of the SO, the work on additional gas grid expansion is carried out by the gas distribution entities (GDEs) of Gazprom, as well as independent GDEs. The funding is provided by the SO.
The pace of gas pipeline construction by Gazprom's entities is accelerating. In June, they completed works (i.e. laid gas pipelines up to the boundaries of land plots) under 23,000 contracts – an increase of 4 per cent versus May and 36 per cent versus April. At the same time, independent GDEs are showing insufficient rates of additional gas grid expansion in a number of regions. These entities need stronger oversight on the part of regional authorities.
Gazprom is conducting a broad awareness campaign regarding the conditions of participating in the additional gas grid expansion program. The Company is making the services easier to access and more user-friendly. Today, one can use single-window services offered by 900 client centers of the Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Group to sign a contract for laying a gas pipeline up to the land plot boundaries or to receive a services package for gas connection. At the Group's initiative, the services package is also available at the multifunctional centers in 31 constituent entities of the Russian Federation.