All INPP Nuclear Fuel is Now Removed

Source: 1/19/2023, Location: Not categorized

The State Enterprise Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant (INPP) has safely managed all nuclear (fissile) material. On 30 December 2022, all unused (fresh) nuclear fuel, i.e., fuel assemblies that were not used during the operation of the plant, was removed from the INPP units to the New Interim Spent Fuel Storage Facility (ISFSF).

The unspent nuclear fuel was transported and will be stored in special transport and storage containers that comply with safety requirements and are suitable for the long-term and safe storage of unspent nuclear fuel. The unspent fuel will be stored in metal containers 10,375 m long and 0,67 m in diameter, with a weight of approximately 4 tonnes each including fuel.

After the necessary safety justification procedures and the approval of the State Nuclear Energy Safety Inspectorate (VATESI), the containers of unused nuclear fuel were allowed to be stored in the ISFSF together with the casks of spent nuclear fuel (SNF).

As a reminder, the 190th and last cask of SNF was transported to the ISFSF on 21 April 2022.

The INPP will be able to obtain a decommissioning licence from VATESI and carry out the complex decommissioning activities related to the dismantling of reactor systems after all nuclear (fissile) material has been removed from the units. It is expected that the terms of such a licence will allow the enterprise to reduce the cost of decommissioning and perform the dismantling and demolition of the buildings more efficiently.

We are thankful and proud of our team for their smooth work and the successful achievement of the goal. We also thank the officers of the Visaginas Unit of the Public Security Service, who ensured safety and completion of the work ahead of schedule.

Gulf Oil and Gas
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