Petrobras informs that it received Official Letter 166/2023/GM-MME from the Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME) yesterday requesting the suspension of the sales of assets for 90 (ninety) days, due to the reassessment of the National Energy Policy currently underway and the establishment of a new composition of the National Energy Policy Council (CNPE), respecting the Company's governance rules, commitments made to government entities and without putting Petrobras' interests at risk.
The Board of Directors will analyze the ongoing processes, from the standpoint of civil law and within the rules of governance, as well as any commitments already made, their punitive clauses and their consequences, so that the governance bodies assess potential legal and economic risks arising, subject to the rules of secrecy and other applicable governing rules.
Relevant facts will continue to be disclosed to the market.Facts deemed relevant will continue to be disclosed to the market.