JGC Announces Progress in Demonstrating Technology for Green Ammonia Production

Source: www.gulfoilandgas.com 3/22/2023, Location: Asia

JGC Holdings Corporation has announced the conclusion of a basic agreement with the town of Namie on the construction site for a pilot plant equipped with green ammonia production technology for use in a large-scale alkaline water electrolysis system development and green chemical plant demonstration project1 of JGC and Asahi Kasei Corporation that was recognized as a NEDO Green Innovation Fund project in August 2021.2

1. Background
In a project selected for New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) green innovation funding, JGC is collaborating with Asahi Kasei to develop an integrated control system for optimized green chemical plant operation in production of chemicals such as green ammonia, which uses hydrogen derived from renewable energy sources as feedstock. Demonstrating this system at a green chemical plant is another facet of the project.

In promoting wider adoption of green chemicals synthesized with hydrogen derived from renewable energy, it has been difficult to ensure stable and efficient chemical production using renewable energy sources that fluctuate with the weather, the time of day, and the seasons. To date, JGC Holdings has been involved in front-end engineering and design for a plant intended to use hydrogen produced at the Fukushima Hydrogen Energy Research Field (FH2R) in Namie, and in defining requirements for the integrated control system. The present agreement confirms that the pilot plant will be built in Namie. Equipped with this integrated control system, it will be capable of producing 4 tons of ammonia per day.

2. Signing ceremony commemorating the site agreement
A ceremony was held at Michinoeki Namie in Namie today at 11:00 a.m. near the pilot plant construction site. In attendance were Namie Mayor Eiko Yoshida and Senior Executive Officer Masahiro Aika of JGC Holdings, technology commercialization officer and general manager of the Sustainability Co-Creation Dept

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