Changling Refining & Chemical Puts into Use AI Fire Alarm System

Source: 10/10/2023, Location: Asia

Changling Refining and Chemical Co., Ltd. has implemented an AI fire alarm identification system in 22 production units. It uses a "data + model" operation mode to realize intelligent monitoring of key areas and greatly improve on-site safety identification and early warning capabilities.

As a major safety risk faced by refining and chemical companies, sudden fires are highly valued by companies. There are more than 1,500 video surveillance heads at the Changling Refining and Chemical production site, but monitoring has always relied on manual inspections. It is difficult to detect sudden fires in time, which poses certain safety risks. To this end, Changling Refining and Chemical's IT technical team launched an intelligent upgrade of the video surveillance system. They selected surveillance cameras of key equipment from 22 sets of production devices in 7 operation departments and implanted AI recognition technology so that the surveillance system can automatically identify on-site fire conditions and alarm in a timely manner to achieve 24-hour monitoring of device dangers. (Zhang Yong and Gao Guoyong)

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