Petrobras Clarifies Pieces of News in the Media

Source: 10/26/2023, Location: South America

Petrobras, regarding the pieces of news published in the media, informs that a mission of Petrobras executives was carried out in Bolivia with representatives of YPFB (Yacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales Bolivianos).

On that occasion, Petrobras executives heard about the opportunities presented by YPFB representatives, none of which were analyzed by Petrobras, so there was no agreement between the companies to set up a fertilizer plant in Bolivia.

The company also clarifies that any investment decisions must, within the governance established at Petrobras, go through the planning and approval processes provided for in the applicable systems, with their technical and economic viability demonstrated.

Relevant facts on the subject will be disclosed to the market in due course.

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