Gazprom Ramps up Gas Reserves & Capacities of UGS Facilities

Source: 10/26/2023, Location: Asia

- Record-high working gas inventories in the amount of 72.8 billion cubic meters have been stockpiled in Russia's UGS facilities.
- Daily deliverability of the UGS facilities has hit a new peak at 858.8 million cubic meters.

The Gazprom Management Committee took note of the information about the operational readiness of the Unified Gas Supply System (UGSS) facilities for peak loads expected in late 2023 – early 2024, as well as the measures necessary to ensure uninterrupted gas supplies to consumers in winter.

It was noted that the provision of reliable gas supplies to Russian consumers, which includes a confident performance of the relevant facilities during the heating season, is the key objective for Gazprom. Every year, the Company timely and thoroughly prepares its capacities for the increased loads associated with cold periods.

As a result of the works performed in 2023, Gazprom, as before, ensured that the relevant infrastructure is generally ready for a stable operation during peak demand in winter. For instance, all sets of planned preventive maintenance and repair operations are completed.

Repairs at 96 gas production and treatment facilities were performed in full. The scheduled build-up of capacities at booster compressor stations is ongoing across the fields of the Yamal Peninsula and the Nadym-Pur-Taz region, Eastern Siberia and the Far East.

As regards the scope of works completed as of the date at gas transmission facilities, the Company repaired more than 600 kilometers of the linear part of gas trunklines and 15 strings of submerged crossings, 262 gas compressor units, and 132 gas distribution stations. Over 28,000 kilometers of gas pipelines underwent in-line inspections.

A successful response to the seasonal fluctuations in gas demand is ensured by the high level of reserves and deliverability of the UGS facilities. In the event of any extreme drops in temperature, Gazprom can rapidly increase its gas supplies to consumers.

The Company consistently expands its UGS capacities. By the beginning of the 2023–2024 withdrawal period, Gazprom brought the working gas inventories of its UGS facilities to the level of 72.842 billion cubic meters. This is an absolute record for Russia's gas sector. The potential maximum daily deliverability of Russian underground storages was also brought to a new all-time high of 858.8 million cubic meters.

Taking into account the UGS facilities of Gazprom in Belarus and Armenia, the working gas inventories will amount to 74.079 billion cubic meters, and the daily deliverability will be at the level of 898.8 million cubic meters.

Gazprom's relevant units, subsidiaries and entities were tasked to ensure a reliable and smooth functioning of the relevant capacities in the autumn/winter period.

The Gazprom Management Committee also took note of the information about the progress of the AURUS project. The issue will be submitted for consideration by the Gazprom Board of Directors.

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