BRASKEM S.A. the largest resin producer in the Americas and the world's leading biopolymers producer, presents its 3Q23 Earnings Release.
Recurring EBITDA of US$ 187 MM, around R$921 million. Higher than 2Q23 (US$ 140 MM) and lower than 3Q22 (US$ 371 MM).
Liquidity of US$ 3.4 bi, guaranteed coverage of debt maturities over the next 75 months.
Resin Sales – Brazil: Increase in sales volume of PE, PP and PVC by 12%, compared to 2Q23. 9% growth in demand for resins in Brazil in 3Q23 compared to 2Q23.
Production of green ethylene: Utilization Rate of 108%, +24 p.p. vs. 2Q23 and +6 p.p. vs. 3Q22. Expansion of production capacity concluded in 2Q23.