Cables News in Spain

Prysmian received letter of award for Peninsula - Baleares 2 interconnection in Spain
7/31/2024 - Prysmian has received the Letter of Award for an energy transmission project that will connect the island of Mallorca with the Spanish mainland. The value of the project will exceed € 0.5 billion.
Cables ‘overlooked’ in early Offshore Wind Cost Projections
2/20/2024 - - Cable failures and electrical losses can have a significant impact on long-term profitability – but cables are often neglected by developers, who traditionally optimise their wind farm layouts based...
Prysmian Launches Prysmian Prysolar Most Innovative Cable Solution for Solar Power Generation
2/20/2023 - Prysmian Group, world leader in the energy and telecom cable systems industry, will showcase its full range of technologies at Genera 2023, International Energy and Environment Fair taking place in Ma...
X1 Wind Ready for PivotBuoy Installation after Dynamic Cable Deployment
8/2/2022 - Technology developer X1 Wind has successfully laid its dynamic cable and is now ready for final installation of its fully functional floating wind prototype at the PLOCAN Test Site, in the Canary Isla...
Prysmian Develops Two New Power Interconnections between Spain and North Africa
7/18/2022 - Prysmian Group, world leader in the energy and telecom cable systems industry, has been awarded two contracts worth approximately €250 million by Red Eléctrica (Red Eléctrica de España, S.A.U.), the T...
Nexans to Connect Spanish Islands of Majorca and Menorca
11/22/2018 - Red Eléctrica de Espa?a has awarded Nexans with a contract worth around 50 million euros to manufacture and install a power cable that will connect the islands of Majorca and Menorca in Spain. The con...

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