Environmental Services News in Spain

A Major Step Forward with Enerkem's Groundbreaking Waste-to-Methanol Technology
1/29/2025 - Enerkem, a global technology provider enabling low-carbon fuels and chemicals production from waste, is proud to announce that Repsol's Board of Directors has officially approved the Financial Investm...
Ence Updates its Decarbonization Plan with a 75% Reduction in Absolute Emissions by 2035
1/2/2025 - Ence is stepping up the accelerator in terms of decarbonization. The company has updated its Decarbonization Plan by increasing the level of reduction of Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 2035, setting targe...
Ethifinance Highlights Técnicas Reunidas’ ESG Progress
11/25/2024 - Técnicas Reunidas has scored 77 out of 100 in ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) management, awarded by EthiFinance, a prestigious European group specializing in ratings, research, and adviso...
Técnicas Reunidas reaffirms its commitment to the protection of nature and biodiversity
10/18/2024 - In the International Day for the Protection of Nature framework, Técnicas Reunidas wants to highlight its firm commitment to biodiversity and the natural environment. The company, renowned for its eng...
Iberdrola, among the Top 10 companies with the greatest global impact
10/16/2024 - Iberdrola has incorporated the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), defined by the United Nations for the 2030 horizon, into its business strategy and sustainability policy.
Technology firm Rich...
Nuvve Joins EVVE Project to Accelerate Bidirectional Charging in Europe
10/10/2024 - A global pioneer in Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) technology, announced its participation in the EVVE (Environmental Valorization of Virtual Energy storage) project alongside key partners, aiming to speed up ...
Elecnor Group joins the IBEX ESG thanks to its social and environmental contributions
9/18/2024 - Elecnor thus strengthens its commitment to sustainability both in the development of its activities and business strategy, as well as in its relations with its stakeholders.

The Elecnor Group...
Iberdrola, the Best Company in EMEA in ESG Information Sharing
9/11/2024 - Iberdrola has been recognised as the best company in EMEA for ESG (environmental, social and governance) disclosure by the League of American Communications Professionals (LACP).

LACP has e...
Clean air is one of the key objectives in the work of Técnicas Reunidas
9/9/2024 - This September 9th at Técnicas Reunidas we join in celebrating the International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies, highlighting the importance of clean air for our health and the environment. At Técnic...
Iberdrola, Chosen for the FTSE4Good Index Since 2009
8/21/2024 - The electricity company chaired by Ignacio Galán is present in the world's leading sustainability benchmarks.

Iberdrola has been...
Iberdrola Lights up 16 Major Theaters in Madrid with Green Energy
5/7/2024 - Iberdrola is launching the "Teatros Verdes Iberdrola" ("Iberdrola Green Theatres") initiative, a project that will supply green energy to 16 of Madrid's most emblematic theatres, combining its commitm...
Elsan, recognized by BP with the Care for Others award for its commitment to quality and safety
4/19/2024 - The long professional trajectory that links Elsan with BP has resulted in the completion of several projects focused on renovations, new construction, and maintenance, as well as various recognitions ...
TR’s Supply Chain Commits to Sustainability
2/9/2024 - Técnicas Reunidas increases its commitment to sustainability and extends it to the supply chain. For that and due to its commitment to the Global Compact, its suppliers will be trained in this field...
Join CSA Ocean Sciences at the Trinidad and Tobago Energy Conference and Tradeshow 2024
1/22/2024 - CSA Ocean Sciences (Trinidad) Ltd. (CSA) will be attending the Trinidad and Tobago Energy Conference 2024 from January 22–24, 2024, at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Port of Spain, Trinidad.

Iberdrola & ANFACO-CECOPESCA to Help Decarbonise the Industrial Fishing Chain
1/12/2024 - Iberdrola has signed an agreement with ANFACO-CECOPESCA – an entity representing the marine-industry chain – by which the 255 companies associated with this cluster of the marine-industry chain that w...
Influence Map Places Iberdrola as the Company with the Greatest Leadership at COP28
12/14/2023 - - The company has been recognised at the Dubai climate summit for its intense agenda and positioning aligned with the Paris Agreement.
- Iberdrola, together with Masd...
BEST Takes another Step towards Achieving Its Decarbonisation Goals
10/9/2023 - This past weekend, 6 new hybrid cranes arrived at Hutchison Ports group’s BEST terminal. These Shuttle Carriers are key to the terminal’s operations, as they are used for moving containers between t...
The Environmental Declaration of Two Wind Farms of Hoya de Huesca
10/5/2023 - The measure is included in the environmental procedure of two parks in Almudévar, Alcalá de Gurrea and Gurrea de Gállego.

Environmental Approval for New Forestalia Green Energy Facilities
10/5/2023 - MITECO has issued favorable environmental impact statements for some wind farms whose construction will require around 500 million. The Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Chall...
Iberdrola is the Best ESG Reporting Utility in the World
9/25/2023 - Iberdrola is the best utility in the world in ESG (environmental, social and governance) information disclosure, and the first company in Europe in the Print-Based Alternative Reports category of the ...

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