1/26/2021 - Getech, a provider of data, knowledge and software products to the energy industry, has announced the signing of two exclusive strategic partnerships, which together position Getech at the forefront o... |
7/16/2020 - Cambridge Consultants is working with Flylogix to send satellite-controlled drones offshore, beyond visual line of sight, to gather data from offshore platforms. Using Iridium's satellite network will... |
8/16/2017 - Speedcast International Limited, the world’s most trusted provider of highly-reliable, fully-managed, remote communication and IT solutions, has been selected by UK-based Fred. Olsen Cruise Lines to p... |
9/6/2016 - Aberdeen-headquartered Ashtead Technology has secured a deal with leading international contractor Van Oord to provide the latest generation of video processing systems for worldwide offshore construc... |
12/9/2015 - SpeedCast embarked on a journey of global expansion in 2012 and, three years on, the company continues to change the way customers communicate globally. ... |
9/7/2015 - Proserv, a leading energy services company, has acquired Nautronix, a leader in the supply of subsea digital acoustic communication products and positioning services to the oil and gas industry, base... |
8/25/2015 - Exceed has invested in excess of £300,000 in the development of iVISION, an online platform which connects multi-location, multi-discipline teams and business units through one central point where inf... |
8/17/2015 - Inmarsat confirmed that the third satellite in the transformational Global Xpress (GX) programme – Inmarsat-5 F3 (I-5 F3) – has been scheduled for launch at the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan at 12... |
8/6/2015 - A milestone has been reached this month in product design and development firm Cambridge Consultants’ work with Iridium Communications on its next-generation satellite broadband service. The core tran... |
6/24/2015 - Hermes Datacomms, A SpeedCast Group Company, has partnered with O3b Networks, a global satellite operator offering next generation satellite networks, to deliver communications to a global oil company... |
12/11/2014 - Ceona has selected Emerging Markets Communications (EMC) to provide on-board communications solutions for its newest, most innovative field development asset, the Ceona Amazon. Christened on December ... |