12/30/2024 - The Integrated Greenhouse Gas Information System (IGIS) to monitor, quantify and manage carbon emissions across Hyundai Motor and Kia’s operations Utilizing the Life Cycle Assessment methodology,... |
12/20/2024 - Australia and the Republic of Korea (ROK) have signed a new bilateral agreement to step up climate and energy cooperation and build new clean energy industries and trade opportunities. The ... |
12/18/2024 - Bureau Veritas Marine & Offshore (BV), a world leader in testing, inspection, and certification, is partnering with Samsung Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. (SHI), a leading global shipbuilding and offshore... |
12/11/2024 - Researchers at Chungnam National University, South Korea, have discovered how copper-zinc (CuZn) electrodes adapt and stabilize during electrochemical CO2 reduction (EC CO2R). This groundbreaking stud... |
11/27/2024 - The Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC), joined by Greenpeace and REN21, is delighted to announce Jitsai Santaputra as the winner for the REVolutionaries award. The award aims to empower the ... |
11/21/2024 - - A new eco-friendly biofuel production technology has been developed using waste cashew nut shells. - Through process simplification and automation, bio-oil production yield has been improved ... |
10/1/2024 - Samsung Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.(SHI), one of the world’s largest shipbuilders, has been awarded an Approval in Principle (AiP) for its Floating CO2 Storage Unit (FCSU) design from Bureau Veritas (B... |
10/1/2024 - - Collaborative research with Yonsei University published in the prestigious “Journal of Membrane Science” - Utilizes cost-effective, high-performance organic materials, paving the way for mass... |
9/26/2024 - JERA Co., Inc (“JERA”) has concluded a Joint Collaboration Agreement with POSCO International Corporation (“POSCO INT’L”), to realize low carbon fuel value chains. Under the agreement, JERA... |
9/9/2024 - EIPGRID Inc., a leading provider of energy management technology, has announced the launch of a pioneering set of portfolio & balancing processes for energy management, designed to address the urgent ... |
6/17/2024 - Establishing mid- to low-temperature power generation using waste heat and smart energy management system at Hwajin Steel Discovering convergence businesses such as IT+OT and promoting expansio... |
3/22/2024 - In a groundbreaking collaboration unveiled following the fervor of COP28, Zoetic Global a vanguard in climate solutions, and Trident Global Holdings, a Seoul-based conglomerate with holdings in mining... |
3/21/2024 - Three affiliates earned A-minus scores from CDP (formerly the Carbon Disclosure Project) for their climate change response, and Carbon Management Sector Honors from CDP Korea Hanwha Solutions als... |
3/20/2024 - Awarded to only the top 1.5% among 23,000 global companies. Systematic execution to achieve '2040 carbon neutrality' and '2030 RE100' goal highly praised. LG Innotek will strengthen its glob... |
1/22/2024 - Platinum Rating recognizes Samsung Biologics' strategic sustainability performance Samsung Biologics ranked in the top one percent of more than 100,000 companies Samsung Biologics, a glo... |
12/8/2023 - South Korea-based SEMP Group and Abu Dhabi-based Global Solutions for Project Management have launched a pathbreaking innovation that will shape the future of clean energy – the AI Smart Electromagnet... |
12/7/2023 - Export-Import Bank of the United States (EXIM) President and Chair Reta Jo Lewis and Hee-Sung Yoon, Chairman and President of the Export Import Bank of Korea (KEXIM), today officially signed a Memoran... |
12/1/2023 - • Obtained a total of 10 ISCC PLUS-certified chemical products, up from two last year • Earned first ISCC PLUS certificate in Asia for caustic soda for using renewable power in its production |
11/22/2023 - Hyundai Motor and UCL sign a memorandum of understanding (MOU) ahead of the UK-Korea Business Forum in London on November 22 with key leaders attending Hyundai Motor and UCL to conduct joint rese... |
10/23/2023 - The Green Climate Fund (GCF) and Africa Finance Corporation (AFC) signed a project agreement to begin implementing the Infrastructure Climate Resilient Fund (ICRF). As an innovative finance instrumen... |